Auteur |
Message |
Fabio Desolei |
Vanderlinden Armand ULM |
gianmario.nava |
Posté le: Jeu, 09 Nov 2017 11:05:44 +0000 Sujet du message: |
Benvenuto Fabio.
La communauté des gazailistes italiens va grandir et profiter des competences de Fabio qui est un constucteur experimentée et un technicien CN de haut niveau.
Il gruppo dei gazellisti italiani cresce e si avvantaggerà delle competenze di Fabio che è un costruttore provetto e un tecnico CN di alto livello. |
Vanderlinden Armand ULM |
Posté le: Jeu, 09 Nov 2017 08:31:54 +0000 Sujet du message: |
Hi Fabio,
welcome in the Gazaile builders community. Don't worry about using English. We have several persons to translate when necesary.
Gazaile builder near Strasbourg (Ultralight wing version)
Flying in Haguenau LFSH |
Fabio Desolei |
Posté le: Mer, 08 Nov 2017 23:27:25 +0000 Sujet du message: New Builder |
Hello builder,
I'm Fabio Desolei ... I'm Italian and live and work in Switzerland near Poschiavo where i have my company / workshop
I'm an ULM Pilot from 4 year old and my club is CAIOLO LILO
I want start build Gaz'aile next month now i study incredible quantity
information and doc and plans
Not speack French i'm sorry |