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Every Body out there , nice to meet you! I am a new builder

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Inscrit le: 07 Juil 2011
Messages: 5
Localisation: Pays Bas UITHOORN

MessagePosté le: Mer, 27 Juil 2011 21:24:17 +0000    Sujet du message: Every Body out there , nice to meet you! I am a new builder Répondre en citant

Nice to meet you all GAZAILISTEN

as 'novice' from Holland.

I am happy to tell you all I decided to start building this beautifull

My name is Bart Oosterkerk and I am living in Holland (Pays Bas)

For sure I will poll frequently by visiting the forum to keep up the
good work and discussions to make it all work and improve.

At the moment I am bussy understanding how the HELICE is
designed and start building a test version.
Lots of questions are allready coming up so I hope to get some
reactions when starting to get so information via this forum.

Kind regards Very Happy

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J-Martin Stadnicki #100

Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2006
Messages: 211
Localisation: Margny-lès-Compiègne, 60280

MessagePosté le: Jeu, 28 Juil 2011 08:58:29 +0000    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Bart,
Welcome onboard, and happy to see Gazaile becomes internationally known.
Even if the propeller is a nice piece of work, you should start your construction by other items.
Before you need the prop, you ll spend "a couple" of hours in the workshop building all what is behind it.
Serge Pennec favorite motto" is:
"c'est dans la doc"
It's in the documention...
and the doc advises to start by simplier items such as fuselage couples, rudder and stab.
This way, you'll get an experience with main materials used in the construction, and quite a good knowledge of the epoxyde resin used for all the aircraft ( sicomin SR1500).
Unless you already have a good experience in homebuilt aircraft, you should rather follow the doc, and not try to reinvent all the aircraft.
Backup on the few flying gazaile's shows the aircraft is already optimized.
This way, you'll probably save your time and money.

Welcome, good luck, and happy to read you again soon.
n° 100 , construction suspendue, basé LFAD.
Monture actuelle: XK9, train classique, moteur Vija
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Inscrit le: 07 Juil 2011
Messages: 5
Localisation: Pays Bas UITHOORN

MessagePosté le: Sam, 30 Juil 2011 18:19:09 +0000    Sujet du message: Hi Martin Répondre en citant

Thank you for your reaction and advice.

You are quite right !

Starting with the propellor is indeed very against the
normal work flow :}
Most homebuilders are just buying one at the end.

But I think it is very nice to sculpture a propellor as a testversion out of cheap pine.
After that I start building according to the advice of the documentation.
Bulkheads and Fuselage.

I am not trying to reïnvent the aircraft, because I have no aeronautical background or engineering knowlegde.
But I like to understand what I am doing and when facing minor defaults, imperfections or even mistakes, I will communicate them or discuss
them not because I want to be a "enfant terrible" but just to improve the archive and make it really dummy proof :} ,
so even I can understand it, ha ha.

hope to hear more from you again

kind regards


P.S. are you already busy with the prop?
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Olivier Rouchard Avion

Inscrit le: 10 Oct 2009
Messages: 35
Localisation: Strasbourg

MessagePosté le: Mar, 02 Aoû 2011 15:39:19 +0000    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Bart,

Welcome to the place Wink I know how it feels to start that project as I am recent to the Gazaile as well. It is indeed very motivating to build your first aerodynamic element; you can hang it on a worshop wall and it reminds you why you go through all that pleasant trouble.
Serge has many buzz words or expressions and one of them is "it's in the documentation"... and in fact, it on the last page of the Introduction: Start with the stabilizer. It is a plain and simple wing, easy to build and instantly gratifying.

Enjoy. Oliver
L'aviation, c'est ma vie.
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Inscrit le: 07 Juil 2011
Messages: 5
Localisation: Pays Bas UITHOORN

MessagePosté le: Sam, 06 Aoû 2011 09:44:20 +0000    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Very Happy
Hi Olivier

Thank you for your nice reaction in Englisch
super! I feeled a little bit discommunicated because of the language
barier , but i see now that it will no be a big problem.
Its good to be part of a group and
feel your no allone when start building something that will take years!

Yes good idea to take the first "Helice" and use it as a MASCOTTE
on the wall of where it all should happen, and preventing the work
from to most big mistakes.

I will start conform the documentation its easier for the process.

Where are you in de building proces.
ULM or Avion?
How are thinks going?
I am curious ?

hope to hear more from you

kind regards

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Cuenca David ULM

Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2011
Messages: 14
Localisation: Manosque

MessagePosté le: Sam, 06 Aoû 2011 12:36:17 +0000    Sujet du message: Nice to meet you Répondre en citant

Hi Bart,

We already know by mail.
I m starting Like you the construction of this beautifull project.
I am a beginner on everything except for read drawings because i am Mechanical designer so i also Will need help.
Before to Begin thé project i need furniture such as gaboon plywood.
Slowly i m buying tools because i have nothing Surprised/

See you soon

Ps: i m french and i leave in South of France
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bruno ferry avion 44

Inscrit le: 14 Juin 2006
Messages: 684
Localisation: bressuire

MessagePosté le: Sam, 06 Aoû 2011 12:46:30 +0000    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Evil or Very Mad

Dernière édition par bruno ferry avion 44 le Mer, 24 Aoû 2011 20:50:16 +0000; édité 1 fois
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Cuenca David ULM

Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2011
Messages: 14
Localisation: Manosque

MessagePosté le: Sam, 06 Aoû 2011 13:16:57 +0000    Sujet du message: Lol Répondre en citant

Bonjour bruno,

C est la bonne occasion pour apprendre ;0)

Je plaisante bien sur ! En effet c est un problème pour une majorité de français (moi même seulement deux ans que je l ai apprit c est pour dire) !
Mais les étrangers qui veulent se lancer dans cette aventure sont très content de trouver des français levant cette barrière.
Et cela peut être tres bénéfique pour nous pour échanger de bonnes adresses ;0)
Puis l échange interculturel enleve les cliches réducteur de certain pays.
C est que du bon.
En tous cas si il y a une bonne information qui aide les gazailiste français elle sera bien évidemment traduite.
Ex: j ai trouver pour le moment un fournisseur anglais d' okoume toute épaisseur. Les gens pourront commander Grace au perssonne parlant anglais au dessus ou moi même.
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bruno ferry avion 44

Inscrit le: 14 Juin 2006
Messages: 684
Localisation: bressuire

MessagePosté le: Sam, 06 Aoû 2011 13:22:49 +0000    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Evil or Very Mad

Dernière édition par bruno ferry avion 44 le Mer, 24 Aoû 2011 20:50:41 +0000; édité 3 fois
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Cuenca David ULM

Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2011
Messages: 14
Localisation: Manosque

MessagePosté le: Sam, 06 Aoû 2011 14:03:53 +0000    Sujet du message: Pk pas Répondre en citant

J ai écrit que je plaisantais en écrivant que vous deviez l apprendre LOL
Une langue ne s apprend pas en quelques mois ( quoi que...)
J ai un niveau équivalent a un enfant de l école primaire en anglais et suffit a communiquer.
D' ailleurs notre amis parle aussi le hollandais et comme la plupart des étranger ils parlent anglais!
En France on est encore en retard sur ça !

Pour la traduction de chaque message pfioufff quel boulot...par contre pour les messages d' utilité technique vous avez raison pk pas !
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Olivier Rouchard Avion

Inscrit le: 10 Oct 2009
Messages: 35
Localisation: Strasbourg

MessagePosté le: Lun, 08 Aoû 2011 18:01:01 +0000    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hey Bart Wink

I understand your frustration because of the language, but that is how it is for now. Thus, you should see it as an opportunity to improve your French... Wink Just kidding... No, but seriously, there is a effort right now in translating the documentation in English. Even if it takes time, it is happening.

Than you were asking me about my state of play. Here it is:
- Airframe stringers: done.
- Assembling the stringers to the spar of the fuselage,
- Working for fun on the engine (not sure it will be my final choice thought),
- and translating slowly but surely the documentation in English...

Otherwise, being an ATP-CPL and flying quiet a bit, I'm not craving to get my Gazaile done as I have other toys to play with. I want to do it well and learn from that experience. I also have a Mooney for my personal flights and trips (no choice when you want to fly with your family in most weather and time) and I'm also part of a group of warbird fanatics. See, that keeps me busy but it provides me ample patients in the building process.

Once again Bart, I wish you to enjoy every moment of this endeavor - and it is one. Don't give up and I'm sure you'll be rewarded many time your investment and time. Wink

Best regards, Olivier
L'aviation, c'est ma vie.
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